Become a Sponsor

Keeping Families Connected is fortunate to have generous donations from sponsors who support our mission and vision for growth in order to serve even more families remain connected to their incarcerated loved ones. Each dollar benefits this underserved community. By aligning with our organization you also get access to coverage from over 20 media outlets and a tax deductible receipt for your contribution. Consider becoming a sponsor today. Here are some ways to help us meet our needs:

Please contact to find out which opportunity best suits you.


Trip Sponsor


$250 covers one trip and $1,000 covers four trips. We service facilities up to 4 hours away. The cost of gas, meals and maintenance adds up quickly. KFC relies on the generous donations individuals, foundations, and corporations to keep our wheels moving.

Event Sponsor

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We have several major events each year. Please visit our event page to see our latest event and how you can become a sponsor. There are many levels to chose from with various perks. We hope to see you soon!


Recurring Sponsor


Commit to a set amount monthly, quarterly, or annually to assist us in meeting our goals. Your pledge helps us to keep moving along with our mission of keeping families connected even through our criminal justice system. We are doing our part to break the cycle.